Trojan Original Skinhead Reggae Classics - Ýmsir

Trojan Original Skinhead Reggae Classics - Ýmsir

Verð 4.290 kr á tilboði

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1.1 Skinhead Moonstomp - Symarip
1.2 Skinheads a Bash Them - Claudette the Corporation
1.3 Trouble in the Town - Dandy Livingstone
1.4 Skinhead Speaks His Mind - the Hot Rod All Stars
1.5 Skinhead Revolt - Joe the Boss Joes All Stars
1.6 Skinhead a Message to You - Desmond Riley
2.1 Skinhead Train - the Charmers
2.2 Skinheads Dont Fear - the Hot Rod All Stars
2.3 Kick Me or Ill Kick You - the Cimarons
2.4 Brixton Fight - Pama Dice
2.5 Reggae Fever - the Pioneers
2.6 Moon Hop - Derrick Morgan